Bike for Earth Day

Apr 15, 2009 | April 2009, Cycling

April 22 is Earth Day 2009

By Bonny Osterhage

Earth Day is just around the corner, so if you are wondering how you can contribute to making our world a better place, consider leaving the car in the garage and hopping on a bike on April 22–or any day at all. Why not every day?

Sure, riding a bike to work may not be as practical in San Antonio as it is in larger urban areas with bike trails and such for those who want to bike their daily commute, but even just taking your bike to the store means one fewer car on the road.

Here are just some of the benefits biking brings to planet earth and its inhabitants.

Biking decreases traffic congestion, thereby lowering stress.

Biking reduces air pollution as bikes produce no toxic emissions.

Fewer cars mean less carbon emissions that contribute to global warming.

Biking reduces noise pollution — a common complaint of urbanites.

Biking releases endorphins which lead to an elevated mood.

Biking means less water pollution (yes, cars contribute to water pollution).

Biking burns calories..

Bikes don’t use gas — they run on natural energy — yours!

South Texas Fitness & Health