Get on the ball!

Jun 11, 2007 | Fitness, June 2007

Why not try some E-ball workouts?

By Shannon Sutton, CPT

When time is tight, yet you still want a great workout, it’s time to “get on the ball”!

Whether you use it at home, at the office or in the gym, the exercise ball or “E-ball” serves many purposes. It can be like an upright bench and a flat bench. It can be used to properly perform crunches, squats, push-ups and more. The possibilities are virtually endless! By performing your workout using the E-ball, you are omitting the stability factor and forcing your core muscles to engage while still focusing on the target muscles being trained. This will simultaneously help tone, firm and strengthen the midsection (core) as well as the intended muscle or muscle group and, as a bonus, requires more overall caloric expenditure.

The following is an explanation and partial demonstration of a basic upper body workout being performed on an exercise ball:

Begin face down on the E-ball with your chest slightly lifted. With dumbbells, extend arms out at about shoulder level (with elbows slightly bent). Lower weights to about 30 degrees, and rise back to starting position while contracting your back and squeezing your shoulder blades. Remember to exhale slowly while rising, and inhale during descent. Hold the contraction (at the top) for a two to four count, and repeat.

Remain seated on the E-ball, and slowly walk your feet out until your head and shoulders are resting on the ball. Extend arms out to shoulder level with elbows slightly bent and inhale. Slowly exhale as you begin to raise arms to “V” position while contracting and pulling in with your chest. Slowly lower the weight to starting position and repeat. Note: Abs and glutes should remain engaged at all times.

Sit on the E-ball with knees at hips’ width (and over ankles). Sit up tall (engaging your abs) and raise arms up and out 90 degrees from your shoulders. Inhale. Then slowly begin to exhale as you raise the weights up overhead to parallel. lowly lower back to starting position and repeat.

Begin while seated in the same position as for the shoulder workout, lower your arms down by your sides, keeping your elbows slightly in front of your ribcage). Raise weights up to a bicep curl, hold for a count and return to starting position. Repeat.

While maintaining the same position on the E-ball, extend arms straight up and parallel with weight over shoulders. Keeping arms parallel, bend elbows to 90 degrees. Raise back to starting position (focusing on the triceps contraction) and repeat.

NOTE: The above exercises should be performed with a properly sized exercise ball. Hips and knees should be at 90 degree angles when seated.

Shannon Sutton is an independent certified personal trainer. Her certifications include ISSA, NASM, APEX and Reebok. She has invested years in helping individuals reach health, fitness and wellness goals. Contact her at (210) 722-3962, or E-mail her at

South Texas Fitness & Health