Leg Work

Jul 11, 2007 | Fitness, July 2007

Exercises to bring out the best in your legs

By Shannon Sutton, CPT

You see it all the time in movies, magazines, at the pool, walking down the street — enviable legs. Why not strive to uncover those great legs of your own? With a little bit of hard work and determination, you can! Start by setting a realistic goal (like fitting into those shorts that are just a bit too snug), take measurements for your “before” to track your progress, and get moving.

Using a step, an elevated platform or, better yet, stadium bleachers, step up (placing the weight through your stepping heel). Perform 15 – 25 steps and then switch sides. Focus on pulling your weight up with your front leg while contracting your abs and glutes. Repeat two to four sets per leg, stretching between sets.

Lunges, lunges, lunges … don’t you just love them?! Once you get over the “hump,” they’re really not bad, and the results make it worth every bead of sweat. Lunges can be done anywhere. While I prefer being outside, during these hot summer months I opt for walking lunges (indoors) on the treadmill. For the early risers who also love the great outdoors, high school tracks and stadiums, parks and neighborhood blocks are perfect for a great workout with a nice change of scenery Note: Remember to “stack your joints” — knee over heel, shoulder over hip.

These are for your glutes and hamstrings. Lie on your back with heels at hips’ width, a few inches out from your glutes. Raise yourself up from your tailbone (slowly) until your weight is balanced between your heels and shoulders. Hold this position while focusing on the gluteal and abdominal contraction. For more of a challenge, raise one foot about two inches while keeping your hips square. Alternate and repeat. Note: You may also add a weight plate to your hip/pelvic area.

For best results, remember to combine resistance training and consistent cardio with frequent, well-balanced “mini-meals” and plenty of rest and fluids. (No, beer and margaritas don’t count) Stick with it, and keep moving!

Shannon Sutton is an independent certified personal trainer. Her certifications include ISSA, NASM, APEX and Reebok. She has invested years in helping individuals reach health, fitness and wellness goals. Contact her at (210) 722-3962, or E-mail her at jssutton2003@yahoo.com.

South Texas Fitness & Health