The Holiday Hangover

Jan 10, 2007 | Fitness, January 2007

We’re talking the flabby kind

By Shannon Sutton, CPT

Though you may have recovered from the champagne and eggnog, has the expression “hang over” taken on a new meaning? For many of us, holiday food, family and fun has taken the place of dumbbells, treadmills and crunches. What better time to take care of that “hang over” (the stuff that’s hanging over your belt, that is) than the dawning of a new year! The following exercises are targeted to help strengthen the muscles of your torso or core and help flatten and tone your abdominal muscles or abs.

Plank/side plank combo
Begin in push-up position with your shoulders over your wrists and your legs straight-back and parallel. Engage your abs, and focus on pulling your lower ribs away from the floor while keeping them aligned with your hips. Your body should form a straight line from head to heel. Hold this position for a few deep breaths, gradually progressing to 60 seconds. Rest, and stretch if necessary. While still in position, rotate your body to the left and stack your feet. Your right hand and shoulder should be in alignment. Extend your left arm up to form a “T.” Hold for 15 to 60 seconds, and return to plank position. Shift your weight to your right hand, rotate to the right and repeat. Focus on keeping your abs engaged, and try not to arch your back. Note: Stop immediately if you begin to experience any lower back pain.

Leg lifts
Lie on your back with palms face down by your hips. SLOWLY raise your hips slightly from the floor, while pulling your navel in. Hold for a count, and slowly lower back to floor. Note: The key is to perform this exercise in a slow, controlled manner. Repeat for 15 to 20 repetitions.

While still lying on your back, plant your feet just beyond your “glutes” at hips’ width. Press your lower back to the floor while pulling your navel in. With your fingertips behind your ears (or behind your head for neck support), inhale. Exhale as you slowly raise your upper body. Hold for a count, and slowly lower back down. Try not to rest your head and shoulders on the floor in order to maintain the contraction. Repeat. Be sure to keep your chin up (off of your chest) and your elbows back (you’re not pulling your head up — this is for the abdominal muscles). Perform four sets of 25 repetitions. Note: For greater difficulty, raise your feet and bend your knees to 90 degrees.

These are just a few of the countless core or abdominal exercises that should be incorporated into your cardiovascular and resistance training routine along with proper nutrition. Remember that spot reduction unfortunately is not possible, so it is critical to incorporate all elements into your lifestyle in order to beat that holiday “hangover” in time for summer 2007!

It’s been said, “If you want something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.” These are good words to keep in mind as we face the bright new year ahead.

Shannon Sutton is an independent certified personal trainer. Her certifications include ISSA, NASM, APEX and Reebok. She has invested years in helping individuals reach health, fitness and wellness goals. Contact her at (210) 722-3962.

South Texas Fitness & Health